El Caribe

The IAD announces improvement of inter-parcel roads

The IAD announces improvement of inter-parcel roads
Several communities will benefit from the road repair operation.

Mount Christi. The Dominican Agrarian Institute (IAD), in coordination with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Border Development Directorate, began the repair of six kilometers of inter-parcel roads.
With these tasks, it will benefit more than 200 rice farmers who had been affected by the past floods in this province, with considerable losses in agricultural plantations. The regional manager Juan Francisco Martínez, on behalf of the director of the IAD, agronomist Francisco Guillermo García, ordered the integration of a technical team to provide support and support in this area.

The person in charge of regional 14 explained that this road repair operation will benefit the communities of Mangruno, los Conuco and Mangrunito. “The operation is about repairing the areas that were affected by the floods and connecting the communities so that, whether it rains or shines, the farmers can get their products out without problems,” said Martínez.

He indicated that the producers, the Irrigation Board, the associations, the farmers and the community in general feel enthusiastic and grateful to President Luis Abinader, the director of the IAD and other entities for the efficient intervention since those roads were impassable for a long time. approximately 30 years and with the rains it got worse.
In addition, they stressed that the technical equipment and the necessary fuel have not been lacking to advance in the work that has as its objective the better life of these rice farmers.

This operation was also attended by Narciso Castillo, representing Agriculture and Pedro Suero Rodríguez, for the Border Development Directorate.

Agricultural Fair

From another stage, the Ministry of Agriculture announced yesterday the celebration of the thirty-second National Agricultural Fair 2022 from March 18 to 27.

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