Home South AmericaBolivia Government assures that next week “a greater amount” of dollars will enter the country from exports

Government assures that next week “a greater amount” of dollars will enter the country from exports

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Government assures that next week “a greater amount” of dollars will enter the country from exports

May 21, 2024, 4:33 PM

May 21, 2024, 4:33 PM

The Minister of Economy and Public Finance, Marcelo Montenegro, stated this Tuesday that at the end of this month (next week) and in June “larger amounts” of dollars will enter the country for the exports that were released within the framework of the agreement agreed with the business community.

“At the end of May and in June, a greater amount of foreign currency resources will enter from exports than have been released and it is giving a good result. lor we are going to see a greater delivery of foreign currency,” said the authority in contact with the press in La Paz.

However, in an interview with the state channel Bolivia TV on Sunday, the Minister of Productive Development and Plural Economy, Néstor Huanca, admitted that The ‘liberation’ of exports agreed with private entrepreneurs in February is conditional to internal supply through the presentation of certificates granted by the State.

“The national government ratifies once again that we are going to guarantee and take care of the food of the Bolivian people, so that it continues to be supplied with these strategic products, through EMAPA (Food Production Support Company), which also helps in stabilizing prices,” Huanca explained.

Regarding the demand for the North American currency by the pharmaceutical sector for the import of medical supplies, Minister Montenegro considered that “there is a containment in delivery” and what was discussed with the Association of Private Banks of Bolivia (Asoban) is that “there must be a greater inflow to these resources.”

“And the bankers have committed themselves, for example, on the issue of medicines, they have assured that they are going to make a prioritization of the delivery of these resources in foreign currency to the pharmaceutical sector,” he noted.

According to the authority, to date the Central Bank of Bolivia (BCB) raised around $58 million with the dollar bondIn addition, the national bank has $452 million, which “should be granted progressively and gradually to the population.”

“So There is obviously an annoyance because these resources are not being delivered, But also the good news is that in these months more dollars will enter, because many exporters are already making their sales abroad and that will surely also provide the financial system with more resources,” he insisted.

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