Las Bambas: dialogue table between PCM and community members was postponed until May 10

Las Bambas: dialogue table between PCM and community members was postponed until May 10

The dialogue table organized by the PCM with the community members of Fuerabamba and Huanquire was postponed until next Tuesday, May 10, and will be held in the city of Tambobamba, located in the province of Cotabambas, region of Apurímac.

As reported by TV Peru, the postponement was due to late coordination. Along these lines, the PCM proposed the new date considering the “late communication and the consequent logistical and temporal difficulties to finalize the trip of the High Level Commission of the Executive”.

At the same time, the community members sent a letter to Prime Minister Aníbal Torres, where they reiterated the need to repeal the state of emergency that weighs on the districts of Coyllurqui and Challhuahuacho as a result of the invasion of the land of the Las Bambas mine.

In this text they mention that “show of goodwill” They agree to meet with the PCM and the mining company, but in a territory that has not been declared an emergency.


Masks will not be mandatory: Since when does it apply and in what regions of Peru will its use be optional?
The Ministry of Health (Minsa) indicated that the use of the mask will not be mandatory in open spaces in regions that have 80% coverage with a third dose in people over 60 years of age and 80% with a second dose in people over 12 years of age. . In this video know all the details.

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