Kanqui clown seeks freedom

Kanqui clown seeks freedom

The judges of the Court of Appeal of Santiago reserved for next April 1 the ruling on the appeal filed to revoke the sentence of 12 years in prison, imposed on Kelvin Francisco Núñez Morel (kanqui clown), found guilty of sexual abuse of a minor.

The court made the decision to leave its decision in a judgment state after hearing the arguments of the defendant’s lawyers, as well as the victim and the Public Ministry.

Mito Núñez, legal representative of the child character, asked the court to annul the sentence that condemns his client.

“We understand that the court is going to issue a sentence that will be favorable to our sponsor, since he is innocent,” says the jurist.

In addition, he understands that the Court of Appeal must declare the sentence unconstitutional alleging that the accusation prescribed, since the time where the young woman says that the events occurred more than 10 years ago.

While he was transferred to the Rafey Hombres Correction and Rehabilitation Center, where he is serving his sentence, Kanqui was confident that the Court’s decision would be favorable to him.

“We were in the appeal process. Nothing, let the time come to let people know that in this case there was never a minor, “she declared.

On their side, the lawyers representing the victim, as well as the Public Ministry, asked the court to reject the appeal filed.


Kanqui was sentenced to 12 years in prison in June 2021 by the judges that make up the First Collegiate Court for rape of a minor, who is 27 years old today. Although there were three plaintiffs, Kelvin Francisco Núñez Morel was only convicted by one of the plaintiffs for sexual abuse and assault.

In addition to the 12 years in prison, the kanqui clown must pay a fine of RD$200,000 and compensation of two million pesos to the victim.

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Graduated in Social Communication from the O&M University, he has more than a decade of journalistic practice. Proud father of Lía and Eva.

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