Tacna: They reinforce the Uchusuma river channel to mitigate possible huaicos

Tacna: They reinforce the Uchusuma river channel to mitigate possible huaicos

The started the in the channel of the Uchusuma river in the peasant community ofwith the support of the Basic Operational Unit of Tacna of the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation. This action will help protect accesses, agricultural areas, homes and more than 200 residents of the area.

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Cleaning, de-clogging and channeling will be carried out on both banks of the riverbed, approximately one kilometer in diameter, meters below the Chuschuco intake, with the goal of removing about 10,000 m3 of material such as stones, gravel, etc. .

Machinery will carry material

The works obey a maintenance plan executed by the district commune and with the support of machinery managed by the Ministry of Housing, such as a Komatsu brand D65EX caterpillar tractor.

The start of the works was supervised by the Deputy Mayor of Pachía, Nora Elsa Ccallata Pacco; the regional prefect of Tacna, José Salas Ríos; and the head of the Tacna Basic Operational Unit, Henry Cañari Cañari.

Mitigate possible huaicos

The regional prefect highlighted the actions that are being carried out to mitigate possible damage due to the entry of rainwater that may occur in this month of December, as well as January and February 2022.

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Since October, the district municipality has been executing preventive cleaning, channeling and clearing tasks in the most critical points of the jurisdiction. Among the sectors that have been intervened are the Quebrada de Palca, the Bocatoma de Calientes, the Caplina riverbed at the height of the Calientes spa and the town of Pachía.

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