Singer Analí Sotelo was beaten by her partner in Abancay: "I will never be silent again"

Singer Analí Sotelo was beaten by her partner in Abancay: “I will never be silent again”

The Ayacuchana singer Analí Sotelo decided not to keep quiet anymore and denounced her partner Alfredo Rodríguez Najarro for physical and psychological aggression.

“I have been silent for a long time about blows, threats, insults, out of shame as many women do,” he said in a video broadcast by América Noticias. I will never be silent again”, assured.

In dialogue with the aforementioned medium, the renowned 34-year-old artist gave details about the last attack she suffered from Alfredo Rodríguez, her partner for two years. “He put toilet paper in my mouth telling me he was going to kill me. Then he got out of me, I also got up behind him towards the living room and it was right there that my little daughter appeared.

She says that it was not the first time that she received physical and psychological abuse. What I remember the most is when he was on top of me hitting my face and when I felt the blood that was everywhere. I started screaming.”

At another time, he revealed that, despite the evidence of the blows, the Prosecutor’s Office indicated that Rodríguez Najarro did not deserve arrest.

“Please, to the Prosecutor’s Office to carry out the corresponding investigations. By saying that she is mild, it is like they are waiting for the girl to die, to be killed or for her to have fractures ”, urged.

Provide psychological and legal care

The Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations (MIMP) provides legal and psychological care to a folk singer who is the victim of physical violence by her partner, who is missing. “We participate in the legal proceedings and will continue to provide support until we achieve”posted the entity.


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