The drug attorney Sonia Medina considered that the revelation that the supreme exvocal César Hinostroza communicated 44 times with the director of Pesquera Hayduk, Mildo Martinez MorenoIt must be investigated by the Public Ministry because it is a relevant case.
The team of prosecutors in charge of the case The White Collars of the Port detected that between 2009 and 2018, Hinostroza called the private telephone number of the fishing businessman Mildo Matínez. Coincidentally, in 2005, Hinostroza was part of a Callao court that exonerated Mildo Martinez and members of his family from the crimes of illicit drug trafficking and money laundering. In addition, when Hinostroza presided over the Chalaca jurisdiction, the same fishing family was once again exonerated.
Mildo Martinez confirmed to La República that Cesar Hinostroza I called him “To ask him for favors”, which according to him did not agree.
“This fact does not really attract my attention, because in acts of corruption that bind people from public or private entities, the agreements, whatever the route – in this case by telephone, and they are the ones that are known, they are the most recurrent- so the Public Ministry has all the powers to investigate. Even more so because the citizen Mildo Martínez Moreno refers not to be a friend of César Hinostroza Pariachi, so it is worth asking, what is the reason for the innumerable calls? ”, Explained the attorney Medina.
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“From the evidence it can be concluded that there would be conflicting interests. The phone calls show that there was closeness (between Hinostroza) with the Martínez Moreno family (owners of Pesquera Hayduk) from before 2009. At the time of the judicial process, (years 2003 onwards) the children (Mildo, Walter, Ana and Miriana), who were part of the company, were dependent on the father (Eudocio Martínez). Therefore, who ran the company was this and therefore any decision. Today it is the children who run the company and those who come to the fore to defend the interests of Hayduk Fishing. But, I dare to reiterate that the link is with the family, not just one of them, “explained the attorney Sonia Medina.
Aware of the case against the Martínez family, the drug attorney confirmed that, indeed, Cesar Hinostroza he was one of the magistrates who exonerated Eudocio Martínez and his children.
Hinostroza’s hand
“The Third Criminal Chamber of Callao handed down a sentence in the Hayduk case in 2005 and there was only one conviction against one person. It was César Hinostroza Pariachi, along with the magistrates Raúl Quezada Muñante and José Rojas Sierra, who issued a conviction against a single person and this was outside the company. But, as he had a criminal record, he was held criminally liable. It should be remembered that the drug shipment had been found in the merchandise exported by the company Pesquera Hayduk. During César Hinostroza Pariachi’s presidency of the Callao Court, acquittals were issued in two subsequent trials in favor of Eudocio Martínez Torres, and his sons Martínez Moreno, as well as in favor of Luca Baraka Toric, and the sons, which are the Baraka Mazuelos. All were acquitted, despite the prosecution that had serious evidence, “said the anti-drug attorney.
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The 44 telephone communications made by César Hinostroza Mildo Martínez Moreno shows that there was a fluid relationship between the two people, although the fishing businessman pointed out that he never yielded to the requests of the former supreme spokesman. According to Mildo Martínez, “(Hinostroza) once hinted (to me) if I could contact him with a leader of Fuerza Popular, but I could never offer him anything, since I have no connection with the party or in political matters”.
Hinostroza was aware of the Moreno Martínez family’s friendship with Keiko Fujimori.
Businessman Mildo Martínez acknowledged the phone calls made by César Hinostroza, but said he did not remember many details. From his personal cell phone, César Hinostroza called Mildo Martínez regularly from 4 and 5 in the morning. Photo: Congress composition / dissemination
Old acquaintances
“The conclusions (about the calls) are very clear for those who have a minimum degree of analysis or common sense, because nobody bothers or calls someone they don’t know. It is evident and recurrent the act of ‘someone’ who in cases like these is looking for a person to solve possible problems, or looking for bridges to access favors of a different nature. Consequently, they give and take between whoever asks for it and whoever agrees to the favor, we have known them forever and, obviously, they are elements of judgment that imply corruption. And Peru, unfortunately, is not alien to this cancer, and I express it without specifying names and focusing it on this case. It is up to the reader to analyze it, ”said attorney Sonia Medina.
“As a citizen and in office, I can say that I am not surprised and it would not be the first time that something like this has happened. Until now, within the procedural burden that is handled, we have large cases of drug trafficking and money laundering with highly damaging consequences for society and the country. And yet they go through this kind of ‘arrangement’. And what is worse, many times the legal tools themselves are used with a reckless intentional blindness and are totally harmful to the Peruvian State. Cases in which, unfortunately, the State is at a total disadvantage, because it is resolved based on what a certain ‘technical defense’ imposes (defense attorney), rather than on the evidence itself within a process, ”the anti-drug attorney stated.
Sonia Medina, who during his duties dealt with drug trafficking and money laundering cases in the judicial jurisdiction of Callao, recalled the role played by César Hinostroza and his accomplices, indicated by the team of prosecutors in the Los Cuellos Blancos del Puerto case.
“Let us not forget that César Hinostroza has been president of the Callao Court, for many periods and for decades, so it is not unknown to those who litigate that said Court made it his fiefdom, along with the people who accompanied him, such as several of the judges who acted in very emblematic cases in drug trafficking processes. These were denounced by the Attorney General’s Office at the time, and in view of the corruption evidenced, the Office for the Control of the Magistracy (OCMA) ruled for the dismissal of some judges”, Indicated Sonia Medina.
The fishing entrepreneur Oscar Peña Aparicio, during the tax investigations for the Los Cuellos Blancos del Puerto case, has also testified about the proximity between the Martínez family, owner of Pesquera Hayduk and Keiko Fujimori. According to Peña, the former presidential candidate offers political support to the Martínez family in exchange for contributions to the electoral campaigns of Fuerza Popular. Through a statement, Pesquera Hayduk has denied what Peña said.
However, the attorney Sonia Medina considered that the information was relevant and coincided with the background of Keiko Fujimori’s relationship with the Martínez.
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“I think the relationship has existed since at least the year 2000. Let’s not forget that Mrs. Keiko Fujimori intervenes to remove from criminal proceedings for drug trafficking to the daughters of Eudocio Martínez Torres, Ana and Miriana through the presidential grace (of Alberto Fujimori). With this it is easy to presume that the friendship has been going on for several years ”, and not denied by Mildo Martínez when asked, argued Medina.
The anti-drug prosecutor expressed that due to the connotation of alleged conflicting interests, telephone communications between César Hinostroza and Mildo Martínez should be investigated.
But he warned: “In these types of cases, the economic and political power that some reach suffocate many good intentions to investigate, or who investigates. The collusion between these powers, many times it is difficult to deal with cross-cutting corruption that exists almost as a normal system in our country, so as a citizen and public official I vote because the case The White Collars of the Port, and the many thousands of processes for corruption that the Judicial Power is dealing with, set significant precedents. Peru in its Bicentennial does not deserve so much iniquity”.