Uruguay and Argentina begin studies to build a bridge between Monte Caseros and Bella Unión

Uruguay and Argentina begin studies to build a bridge between Monte Caseros and Bella Unión

The Administrative Commission of the Uruguay River signed, on December 6, an agreement with the Andean Development Commission (CAF)-Development Bank of Latin America, which will allow complementary studies for the execution of the international bridge over the Uruguay River that will link Monte Caseros and Bella Union. Uruguay and Argentina will have a fund of up to 950,000 non-reimbursable dollars contributed by CAF.

After the LXI Summit of Presidents of the States Parties to Mercosur and Associated States, this agreement was signed, in which the president of the Uruguay River Administrative Commission (CARU), Mario Daniel Ayala, and its vice president, José Eduardo Lauritto; the foreign minister of Argentina, Santiago Cafiero; the Undersecretary of Foreign Relations of Uruguay, Carolina Ache, and the Executive President of CAF, Sergio Díaz-Granados.

The purpose is to promote the comprehensive cross-border development of Argentina and Uruguay, and the funds granted come from the Stage III Infrastructure Pre-investment Program.

Among the specific objectives defined for this initiative, the realization of complementary studies for the execution of the project and the favoring of the integral cross-border development of the area, geotechnical and hydraulic analysis stand out; environmental and social studies, and border development studies.

The new direct connection between Monte Caseros and Bella Unión will reduce travel time and the cost of cargo transportation, reducing between 180 and 280 kilometers of distance between economic centers in Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. Likewise, it is expected that a better connection between these localities will generate benefits regarding different social and cultural elements.

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