The magic of Ikigai: what the longest and healthiest in the world do to live better

“Ikigai: Japan’s secrets for a long and happy life” is the title of a book that narrates the journey of two Spaniards, García and Miralles, who traveled and lived in Okinawa, a region in Japan with the highest rate of centenarians. in the world, exceeding the world average age, with an average figure of 24.55.

Both the authors, and I, and possibly you too at this moment, ask ourselves: how do these people manage to be long-lived? It is worth noting that, in addition, they refer to happiness, meaning of life, satisfaction and good health. It is not just about living longer, but about doing it with a good quality of life: I suppose, something that all human beings yearn for in general. Okinawans suffer less from chronic, coronary and inflammatory diseases, and enjoy great vitality.

ikigai is a concept that It does not have a literal translation in Spanish, which refers to the reason for being, the purpose of living. would be the so that of our lives and why we get up every morning. The Japanese maintain that we all carry an Ikigai within us, and that we can discover it through self-knowledge, sincere connection with oneself and the adoption of healthy practices. Ikigai is related to our “purpose in life” and also to the purpose behind our actions. Why do we work, why do we take care of our children, why do we play sports, why are we leaders, educators, collaborators, students, etc.?

The Ikigai implies discovering our mission, our passions and our talents and, from there, determining how to live them and what to spend our time to be happy. In the philosophy of Ikigai, which is the art of being happy, the authors provide us with a guide to find ours and I share it with you so that you can complete it as appropriate. I recommend you find a space and a quiet place where you complete your own list for each of the items:

• What you love
• What the world needs
• What you get paid for
• What you are good at

At the intersection between what you love and what the world needs, you will have your mission. Between what the world needs and what they can pay you for vocation. Between the latter and those you are good at, your profession. And finally, between what you are good at and what you love, you passion. At the intersection of your mission, your vocation, your profession and your passion, you will discover your Ikigai.

What are the daily practices of the longest living people on the planet?

Okinawan residents in addition to take care of your diet that is healthy, based on fruits and vegetables, antioxidants, fish, good quality cereals, and green tea with jasmine daily, they do not consume too much salt or practically direct sugar. Also, they don’t fill their stomachs, they have the 80% rule, so they stop eating before they feel full. This practice has favorable repercussions at an organic and psychological level, since it contributes to emotional management, will and a sense of achievement. They are persons physically active and spend at least five to ten minutes a day doing stretching and mobility exercises. They move all day, they are not sedentary.

They know their Ikigai, they laugh, they enjoy life, which they celebrate for many different reasons. They have a high sense of community, integrating groups and helping others.

What are the 10 laws of Ikigai according to the authors?

  1. Always stay active, never retire. Stopping work does not mean stopping doing what you really enjoy. We can continue to contribute forever.
  2. Take it easy, running life takes away our quality of life.
  3. Don’t eat until you’re full.
  4. Surround yourself with good friends.
  5. Get in shape for your next birthday, take care of yourself and exercise physically, mentally and spiritually.
  6. Smile, in addition to being relaxing, implies being grateful for being here and now.
  7. Reconnect with nature, as it recharges our batteries and feeds the soul.
  8. Give thanks, by doing it daily you will increase your happiness.
  9. Live in the moment and do it in a way that deserves to be remembered.
  10. Follow your Ikigai.

To find your Ikigai it’s about looking inside yourself and that’s where you’ll find the way. Living ikigai is a commitment to you that is daily. Know your purpose in life as well as the why of what you do, will allow you to make a difference in your life and contribute to the world. For that, you can activate these tips and at the same time answer the questions that will lead you to discover your true Ikigai. I hope you get excited and enjoy the positive impact that these practices and habits will have for you and your environment.

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