
Lawyer for aggressors from Punta del Este has a position at the Maldonado Police Headquarters

Sebastián Serron Bon, the lawyer who days ago assumed the legal sponsorship of those accused of assaulting a neighbor whom they mistook for a thief, is also the director of the Legal Department of the Maldonado Police Department, reported La Diaria and confirmed The Observer. According to the victim’s father, ANEP adviser Pablo Romero, there were police officers who, when they took the complaint, told them that “to err is human.”

Serron Bon currently holds that position, which had already been exposed by Fernandino media in 2020 when the lawyer offered training to police officers within the framework of the novelties brought about by the Law of Urgent Consideration (LUC).

The spokeswoman for the headquarters, Ana Márquez, told The Observer that the position of the lawyer is strictly civil. For this reason, you can keep your business private and continue to sponsor clients independently. From the Ministry of the Interior they stated that there is no conflict of interest, since due to his position he is not included in the prohibition of article 186 of the Budget Law because he is not acting against the same ministry, nor article 37 literal C of the Police Organic Law, which establishes the prohibitions that police personnel have.

From a legal point of view, it is not covered by the prohibition of art. 186 of the Budget Law because it does not act against the Ministry of the Interior and article 37 lit C of the Police Organic Law does not understand it because it does not belong to the police ranks.

Pablo Romero, the father of the 18-year-old boy beaten by four people who mistook him for a thief in Punta del Este on Saturday, explained in an interview with the program informal breakfasts (Channel 12) that those involved yelled “jet, we’re going to kill you” from the beginning of the persecution, and that a few hours after the complaint “they were already partying.”

The fact was made public after Romero, advisor to the National Administration of Public Education (ANEP) and professor of Philosophy at Claeh University, published a letter in the media outlet Agesor in which he recounted what had happened. According to the teacher, her son was dressed in a jacket and visorwhat he indicated is “an attire similar to his musical style”, the rap. However, those involved they thought he was a thief who might have been responsible for the robbery of their housenext to the one the victim’s family had rented two weeks ago. Seeing him leave his house, they threatened him and began to chase him.

In the television interview, the father stated that his son he was first hit in the legs by a personthat was followed by “three or four” other people. Romero stated that there are five involved although the Ministry of the Interior informed The Observer that there are four people summoned after the denouncement of the facts.

After escaping from the first person, the young man was run over by a quadricycle, Romero continued. Then, managed to dodge a second hit attempt, but was approached by those responsible who continued to beat him. At that time, the young “they try to force him into a car”Romero said, but managed to escape and jog home.

The young man managed to convince those involved that he lived next doorafter reiterating it several times, and they allowed him to enter the house with the warning that if he lied they would “shoot him and throw him in a ditch”, Romero detailed in the letter.

To get home, the young man was received by his mother, who went with his son to complain to his neighbors about what happened. They they recognized their mistake and returned the diver. Romero indicated that after that the son asked them for his hatand the quad driver gave him $3,500 to buy anotherbecause they had trodden on him in pursuit. With that they wanted to end the problem.

Upon returning home, both relatives told the father, who was taking a bath, what had happened. When he went to rebuke them for what had happened, the driver of the quadricycle excused himself with the fact that they had already apologized to the young man.

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