
Global minimum tax on companies: what impact could it have on free zones

Global minimum tax on companies: what impact could it have on free zones

Global minimum tax on companies: what impact could it have on free zones

Global minimum tax on companies: what impact could it have on free zones
Augustine Dorce

Economy and Business > International Taxation

These free trade zones are a vital pole to attract investment that would not otherwise reach the country; the global tax trend has them in their sights and worries

Reading time:

May 08, 2022 at 05:00

Free zones in Uruguay are in a time of uncertaintymainly threatened by international agreements that could affect to some extent to a regime that is very beneficial both for the country and for the companies that settle in it. The experts they do not see the real threat in the short term but they propose that Uruguay prepare for when the shock to the regime is at the door.

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