Citizens support the work of prosecutors in the face of government attacks

Citizens support the work of prosecutors in the face of government attacks

Groups of citizens and different groups posted yesterday afternoon outside the headquarters of the Public Ministry, on Av. Abancay (Cercado de Lima), in order to offer their support to the Nation’s prosecutor, as well as the team of prosecutors that has been investigating the president’s entourage for corruption .

The call was made days before through social networks, after the message to the nation on Tuesday in which the president attacked the Prosecutor’s Office, which he accused of having conspired “to destabilize the democratic order.” And also in support of the supreme prosecutor after she denounced that she had been receiving attacks – against her and her family – “that only seek to dent or hinder investigations.”

“Prosecutor of the Nation, the people are with you”, was heard haranguing yesterday in front of the headquarters of the Public Ministry.

(Photo: Cesar Campos / GEC)

The sit-in began around three in the afternoon. Some citizens previously concentrated in the University Park, while others arrived directly at the Prosecutor’s Office with flags and banners in hand. In the place, even, a “banderolazo” was made in support of the prosecutor Benavides.

On the fifth floor of the building, the special team of prosecutors against the corruption of power has been operating since the beginning of July, which follows the trail of the illicit acts of the Castillo government.

(Photo: Cesar Campos / GEC)
(Photo: Cesar Campos / GEC)

“It is essential that the Prosecutor’s Office maintain its independence and be able to fully carry out its work; and that task is to seek truth and justice. He is currently facing the power of the government, which is abusing the power it has to obstruct justice. All the support of the citizenry is needed to express that we disagree with this attitude and that the Prosecutor’s Office feels that the people are with it, ”he told Peru21 Jorge Lazarte, founder of the Integrity movement, who made the call.

He estimated that about five thousand people attended yesterday. Among the groups that attended was the No to the Constituent Assembly, headed by the lawyer Lucas Ghersi. Lazarte announced that they will continue to carry out mobilizations in the coming weeks, in order to support not only the Prosecutor’s Office, but also the Police, the Armed Forces. “and all the institutions that in one way or another are violated by the Presidency and its environment.”


  • Congresswoman Susel Paredes, in tune with the government’s smear campaign, asked the JNJ to observe Benavides’ management.


Pedro Castillo does not tie or untie, but the police do

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