Today: January 6, 2025
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South America - Page 10508

latest news from the countries of South America
Cash today pays emergency aid to those born in October and November

January-born workers can withdraw emergency aid

Informal workers enrolled in the Federal Government’s Single Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico) born in January can withdraw, as of today (1st), the seventh installment of the 2021 emergency aid. The money
November 3, 2021
Market fire 4: detours in traffic

Market fire 4: detours in traffic

A raíz del voraz incendio registrado en el Mercado 4, la Policía Municipal de Tránsito de Asunción dispuso los desvíos para el tránsito automotor. La PMT de Asunción recomendó a la ciudadanía
November 3, 2021
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