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Caribbean - Page 2054

Latest news from the countries of the Latin American Caribbean
Migratory things (III)

Migratory things (III)

This series of articles, dedicated to analyzing the social composition of Cuban emigration, and its contexts, has so far examined the waves between 1959 and 1980. The figures reveal great differences in
April 29, 2022
Inflación se ha tragado alza salarial

Inflation has swallowed salary hike

The inflation has swallowed salary increases made last year and this year, the three main trade union centers in the country affirmed yesterday during a press conference. The National Confederations of Dominican
April 29, 2022
El Libro Negro del Comunismo

The Black Book of Communism

Havana Cuba. – The Black Book of Communismor it is about the terror established by that system and about the famines and failures of an ideology that spread like a plague through
April 29, 2022
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