Sheinbaum: developers owe 800 million pesos in mitigation works in CDMX

Sheinbaum: developers owe 800 million pesos in mitigation works in CDMX

Sheinbaum: developers owe 800 million pesos in mitigation works in CDMX

“We are reviewing in each of the mayor’s offices and, in particular, in Azcapotzalco – as you know – there has been a very important real estate development in the last 15 years or so,” he said after installing the Water Cabinet in said mayor’s office.

Mitigation works are a requirement for real estate developments and are intended to reduce the negative impact of their construction; In some cases, these works consist of the renovation of infrastructure such as the drainage or drinking water network.

The president indicated that the companies that did not comply with the mitigation works, which corresponded to them, will be identified in order for them to carry out the works or pay the capital government.

“It is very important to review in each case if the mitigation work was carried out, if not, and do what is necessary. In any case, the surcharges and charges corresponding to each developer, because what cannot be is that the mitigation works are not carried out.

“We are going to invest this resource to improve the supply of services; It is something that the citizens say a lot, that the mitigation works were not carried out in different places, and it is necessary to listen to the citizens and be able to comply, that the developers comply with the works mitigation scheme,” said Sheinbaum.

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