
Weather in Montevideo today: what is Inumet’s forecast for this October 28

For this one friday october 28 a is expected warm day: the Uruguayan Institute of Meteorology (Inumet) and the weather service AccuWeather foresee a maximum of 28 °C for the metropolitan area. While, the sky will go from clear in the morning to somewhat cloudy in the evening.

Specific, Inumet anticipate a start of the day “clear and somewhat cloudy”, with winds of between 20 and 30 kilometers per hour, but with gusts that can reach 40 km/h, which will persist during the afternoon and night. As the day progresses, the body anticipates a increased cloudiness. The minimum and maximum are 12 and 18 °C, respectively.

For its part, AccuWeather forecast a day that starts with wind in the morning, but “otherwise partly sunny and warmer”; in this sense, as warned on his website, the UV index maximum for this Friday is 10, “unhealthy”. According to the weather service, gusts of 55 km/h can be expected, which will decrease to 30 km/h later. Cloud cover, however, will increase from 41% during the day to 76% at night. AccuWeather expects a minimum temperature of 16°C and a maximum of 28°C.

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