This weekend two young Venezuelans who were unjustly detained in the United States (USA) were released.
Through a statement —published by the Minister for Communication and Information, Freddy Ñáñez—, it was detailed that the release was carried out after the talks that the Venezuelan government has held with the US since March 5.
«The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela wants to inform our people and the International Community that, as a result of various conversations held since last March 5 with representatives of the Government of the United States, the release of two young Venezuelans unjustly imprisoned in that country,” the text began.
Similarly, and as part of the talks, the Venezuelan government decided to release a group of US citizens who were subject to legal proceedings for attacking the homeland.
The release responds to humanitarian reasons.
«The Bolivarian Government of Venezuela welcomes the result of these talks and hopes for the preservation of peace and harmony with all the nations of our
region and the world”, concludes the text.
Below is the full statement:
The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela wishes to inform our people and the International Community that, as a result of various conversations held since March 5 with representatives of the Government of the United States, the release of two young Venezuelans unjustly imprisoned in that country.
Likewise, we want to inform you that the Venezuelan justice system has decided to release, for humanitarian reasons, a group of US citizens subjected to legal proceedings in our country.
The Bolivarian Government of Venezuela welcomes the result of these talks and hopes for the preservation of peace and harmony with all the nations of our region and the world.
October 01, 2022