Today the procession of San Martín de Porres takes to the streets of Huancayo and this is the route

Today the procession of San Martín de Porres takes to the streets of Huancayo and this is the route

Today, hundreds of devotees will accompany the image of San Martín de Porres that will go out in procession through the streets of Huancayo, this because every November 3 of each year his death in 1639, almost at the age of 60, is commemorated. Along these lines, the Brotherhood of Ladies and Gentlemen of San Martín de Porres de Huancayo invites parishioners to liturgical acts in honor of the dark-haired saint.

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Before the tour, a solemn mass will be held at 7:00 am in the Cathedral of Huancayo and in honor of the “Saint of the Broom”. After the mass, the revered image will begin its journey through the Plaza de la Constitución and will go through Jr. Puno and plans to arrive at Jr. Arequipa. From there it will continue to Jr. Cusco, Jr. Junín, Paseo La Breña. Then the litters will head to Jr. Moquegua, Jr. Ica, Calle Real to go up Jr. Cajamarca to Mantaro and thus reach the Immaculate Church, where the image will remain until its next departure.

A very special saint in the hearts of Peruvians

On May 6, 1962, Pope John XXIII canonized him in Vatican City before a crowd of forty thousand people; and thus he became the first mulatto canonized for the miracles attributed to him.

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“He was so noble that he helped poor people, and he stood out for the care he provided to the sick,” they commented from the Brotherhood of Ladies and Gentlemen of Huancayo.

Another fact of his religious life was making a dog, a cat and a mouse eat from the same plate in complete peace. He constantly exercised his pastoral and missionary vocation.

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