Virtual platform will allow the preparation of the Basic Cycle accreditation test
The Ministry of Social Development (MIDES) and Educantel launched “Revising concepts of Basic Secondary Education”, a free access platform for those who are preparing the instance of validation of secondary education knowledge called AcreditaCB and implemented by the National Administration of Public Education ( ANEP). The tool allows access to the contents to be accredited and to carry out practical exercises.
The national director of Social Development of MIDES, Cecilia Sena, informed that it is sought that vulnerable people from the social point of view can resume their educational trajectory and have greater opportunities for social inclusion.
AcreditaCB is an evaluation aimed at all people over the age of 21 who have finished primary school and who, for different reasons, did not enter or did not complete Basic Secondary Education. This year, the evaluation will take place on Saturday, July 1. Currently there are more than 8,000 people registered to do it.
MIDES and Educantel launched a virtual tool that will allow interested parties to prepare for the test. Through it they will be able to access specific content on the modules they must accredit. In addition, they will be able to carry out exercises and tests from previous courses and become familiar with the management of computer tools. The platform is accessed through any computer or cell phone with an internet connection.
Sena explained the origin of the initiative. In 2022, the portfolio carried out more than 2,000 support interventions for people who needed to reintegrate into the educational system, he reported. Then the idea of developing an easily accessible tool originated from taking advantage of the widespread use of technology.
Once the test has been carried out, the usefulness of the tool will be evaluated and whether it managed to facilitate access to education for vulnerable populations, he concluded.