With just one day left in June, the ANational Social Security Administration (ANSES) announced how the new payment schedule for the different social benefits corresponding to July was structured.
This billing schedule ANSES starts tomorrow, Friday, July 1, with the payments corresponding to the Non-Contributory Pensions (PNC). According to the federal entitythe payment of this benefit will be made based on the completion of the National Identity Document (DNI).
It is the federal program of the ANSES which is intended to support those people who do not have a permanent job or stable economic income and who meet some of the following variants: being over 65 years of age and not having a social program, having a disability or being a mother of seven children or plus.
This group, as established by the administration directed by Fernanda Raverta, will charge according to the completion of your DNI from this Friday 1 until next Thursday, July 7. This is how the payment dates were:
- DNI ending in 0 and 1: Friday, July 1.
- DNI ending in 2 and 3: Monday, July 4.
- DNI ending in 4 and 5: Tuesday, July 5.
- DNI completed in 6 and 7: Wednesday, July 6.
- DNI ending in 8 and 9: Thursday, July 7.
Last payment for Income Boost
Finally, this Thursday, June 30, the ANSES will finish paying the remuneration corresponding to the Income Reinforcement of $18,000. This federal subsidy, which benefited some 7.5 million informal workers, was paid in two installments of $9,000 each: the first was paid in May and the second is completed today.
During this day, all those beneficiaries whose documents end in number 9 will be able to collect their cash.. With this last payment, the ANSES will conclude the payment of IFE 2022 (Emergency Family Income) and the schedule for the month of June.