He government officially summoned senators to discuss some important laws for this beginning of the year. The haste of these issues confirms that Javier Milei is interested in having them approved before the elections, especially those that have to do with the Supreme Court.
He government sent to Congress a series of projects that must be analyzed in detail by senators and that did not receive adequate treatment towards the end of last year. Projects that have to do with a thinning of the state in many ways, but also those that plan to limit new hiring of officials.
As is known, towards the end of 2024 the government He had sent some projects to Congress that alarmed many. The “Ficha Clean” was not actually discussed last year, but it is one of the projects that will be considered this cycle of summer sessions.
Among the projects destined for scrutiny by officials are: Anti-Mafia Law, Trial in Absence, Reiteration and unification of sentences, Electoral reform and the lists of judges who could make up the Supreme Court of justice that lost one of its members in the last days of last year.
The modifications planned by the government tend to implement greater harshness in terms of criminal situations, establish standards for the hiring of new officials in the governmentcompensate the electoral area and also add two more judges to the Court that currently operates with 3 members and aid judges.
Without a doubt, the greatest conflict faced by the government It is the “Clean Record” which forces officials to be up to date and without firm convictions or prosecutions, which is a great disadvantage for a large part of the current president’s cabinet.
Hot session
He government called all legislators from next January 20 to February 21 of this year to be able to address the projects that, according to Milei, are extremely urgent, especially those that have to do with approving the entry of two judges to the Supreme Court.
Many consider that the government plans a modification called “strengthening” of the electoral area, before this year’s elections to try to obtain an advantage on these issues. The judges in Congress must meet with an opposition in the midst of the reconstruction process and a dialogue-oriented UCR that plans consensus.
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