Guillermo Alexander Medrano Rondón (28) was released by the group that had kidnapped him three days ago in Tucupido (Guárico), according to military sources.
Medrano Rondón was kidnapped last Tuesday when six hooded individuals entered his home located in the Rivero sector of the town of Tucupido. The criminal group forced him to get into his Toyota Terios vehicle, license plate AB380UD, and drive to an unknown location.
Relatives denounced the incident, after which a commission was formed between agents of the regional police and the Bolivarian National Guard (GNB). Continuous patrolling through sectors of Tucupido led to the release of the victim, who was located in the Ferrocarril neighborhood of that plains population.
Since last March, the Tren del Llano, an organization whose base of operations is in Altagracia de Orituco (Guárico), has set up a cell in the municipality of Pedro Zaraza, in the eastern part of the Llano entity, to control rural territories in eastern Guariqueño by collecting vaccines from agroproducers, according to research.
The leader of that cell was Carlos Pirela Armas, whose body was located on May 24 on a rural road that connects Tucupido with San Rafael de Laya. The authorities are still on the trail of the other members of the criminal organization.