The Laguna Merín spa experienced one of the most intense moments of the season last weekend, driven by a wide agenda of activities.
Since Friday, thousands of visitors flocked to the main tourist center of Cerro Largo, attracted by events such as the Color Fest and the long-awaited election of the International Queen of the Lake.
Throughout the day of Friday the 17th and Saturday the 18th, the spa received a constant flow of tourists from different parts of the country, which generated a notable movement both on the beach and in the camping and lodging areas.
On the beach, bathers enjoyed a sunny day that invites them to stay outdoors, while the streets of the resort reflect the massive arrival of visitors in vehicles and motorcycles.
They rate the behavior of tourists at Laguna Merín as good on a weekend with more than 15,000 visitors
The main resort of Cerro Largo, Laguna Merín, received more than 15,000 people during the weekend, marking intense activity on routes, beaches and events. Despite the large number of visitors, the authorities highlighted the exemplary behavior of the drivers, bathers and partygoers.
Only some minor incidents were recorded, such as cases of excessive alcohol intake that led to hospitalizations, episodes of contempt and a no-approach order. Regarding road accidents, a single accident was reported on Route 26, in addition to other minor events.
From the Police Headquarters, they indicated that the controls were carried out as planned and without major setbacks. This positive balance reinforces the importance of prevention and the commitment of citizens to respect regulations, even in situations of mass agglomeration.
The responsible behavior of the population contributed to making the day enjoyable for everyone, consolidating Laguna Merín as a safe and attractive tourist destination.