Entities in the productive sector consider the Selic to be excessively high

INSS retirement ceiling rises to R$ 7,087

The retirees and pensioners of the National Social Security Institute (INSS) who receive more than one minimum wage will have an increase of 10.16% in 2022. The readjustment follows the variation of the National Consumer Price Index (INPC) from January to December 2021, released today (11) by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE).

With the readjustment, the INSS ceiling rises from R$ 6,443.57 to R$ 7,087.22. The 10.16% increase applies to other Social Security benefits above the minimum wage, such as sick pay, and will be valid from February 1st, when the January payroll will be paid.

The correction also applies to contributions paid to Social Security, both those automatically deducted from workers with a formal contract and those paid by self-employed professionals. In the case of individual microentrepreneurs (MEI), which have their own table, the monthly contribution rose to R$ 60.60, plus R$ 1 for those who work with commerce and industry and R$ 5 for those who work in the service sector.INSS retirement ceiling rises to R$ 7,087

Minimum wage

As for INSS beneficiaries who receive a minimum wage, the correction was 10.18%, slightly above the INPC of 2021. The index was defined at the end of last year, when President Jair Bolsonaro edited the provisional measure that set the minimum wage for 2022 at R$1,212.

Although the minimum wage has increased a little more than the INPC, the insured will not have a real gain (above inflation). This is because approximately R$2 of the readjusted amount was granted as compensation for the readjustment below inflation in 2021.


The 10.16% readjustment is valid only for those who were receiving payments on January 1 of last year. Insured people who started receiving INSS benefits in February will have a lower percentage of readjustment because they did not receive 12 full months of payments.

The proportional readjustment percentages will be regulated in the coming days by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security and the INSS.

Other payments

Other payments from the federal government were corrected by the INPC, such as unemployment insurance. Expenses such as the salary bonus and the ceiling for judicial arrears (including precatories) followed the variation of the minimum wage.

Requests for up to 60 minimum wages, which are free from the installment determined by the constitutional amendment of the precatories, increased from R$ 66 thousand to R$ 72,720.

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