The Ministry of Housing and Territorial Planning and the Institute for Children and Adolescents of Uruguay (INAU) signed, this Tuesday 7, an agreement to provide housing solutions through subsidies with a rental guarantee fund to 180 families. The initiative makes it possible to fulfill the right of children and adolescents to live with their families, said the president of INAU, Pablo Abdala.
The Minister of Housing and Territorial Planning, Irene Moreira; the undersecretary, Tabaré Hackembruch; the National Director of Housing, Jorge Ceretta; the president and vice president of INAU, Pablo Abdala and Aldo Velázquez.
Moreira said that, although this agreement already existed, now the annual quota of housing solutions has been increased, from 60 to 180. He added that the portfolio will subsidize up to 12 readjustable units (IU) and that the search is done by the family, the ministry endorses the conditions and INAU specifies the corresponding follow-ups.
For his part, Pablo Abdala indicated that it is a temporary subsidy for families with children and adolescents who are in a situation of vulnerability, economic and material weakness, and with problems of access to housing.
He added that this benefit is granted for one year with an option for two and that the institution focuses on keeping the family unit together, considering that there are cases in which some of the children are in the INAU protection system, or with judicial measures.