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Bar Association expressed concern about the situation in the Prosecutor’s Office

The Bar Association expressed concern about the situation in the Prosecutor’s Office after the transfer of Fossati and the incident with Romano

National > STATEMENT

In a statement, lawyers affiliated with the association say recent events “cast a shadow” over the “rich history” of the judicial system.

Reading time:

March 22, 2023 at 19:14

He Uruguayan Bar Association issued a statement “to public opinion” in which he expressed his “worry” by situation facing the Attorney General’s Officebehind the transfer of Gabriela Fossati of the Astesiano cause and the incident that he starred in with his colleague, Fernando Romano.

For the lawyers nucleated in the association, the recent events “shadow” the “rich history” of the judicial system. They also reminded “all the operators of the Justice system” of the “decency and prudence with which they must conduct themselves, to prevent personal issues, partisan differences or late, confusing or inopportune decisions, from jeopardizing trust in the system”.

For its part, the Association of Criminal Lawyers of Uruguay issued a statement on Tuesday in which it called for the removal of Court prosecutor Juan Gómez and the appointment of a new head of the Prosecutor’s Office who has the necessary support.

In that statement, the penalists also criticized the “farandulización” of the justice system.

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Bar Association expressed concern about the situation in the Prosecutor's Office

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