Today: February 7, 2025
December 19, 2021
2 mins read

Auction of transmission lines hires R$2.9 billion in investments

President edits MP to address impacts on the electricity sector

The federal government auctioned today (17), on the B3 in São Paulo, five lots of concessions containing the construction and maintenance of 902 kilometers of electrical transmission lines and three transformation substations. The projects auctioned are located in five states: Amapá, Bahia, Minas Gerais, Paraná and São Paulo. The winning companies were the ones with the lowest Annual Allowed Revenue (RAP) value.Auction of transmission lines hires R$2.9 billion in investments

In total, added to the five lots, R$ 2.9 billion in private investments and the creation of 6,607 direct jobs are foreseen, with the construction and maintenance of 902 kilometers of transmission lines and three substations. The concessions have a term of 30 years.

The tender for the first lot, which provides for structural works in 726 kilometers (km) of electrical transmission lines in São Paulo and Paraná, was won by Taesa, with a RAP bid of R$ 129.9 million, a discount of 47, 76% of the reference value. According to the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel), the auctioned stretch will supply the Metropolitan Region of Curitiba, which will provide an increase in the electricity interconnection capacity of the South-Southeast regions. The creation of 3.5 thousand direct jobs and investment of R$ 1.7 billion is expected.

The second lot was sold by Sterlite Brazil Participaões, with a RAP bid of R$ 7.09 million, a discount of 66.09% in relation to the reference value. The tender calls for the construction of the Olindina 2 transformation substation, with a power of 450 megavolt-amperes (MVA), in Bahia. Investments are estimated at R$ 152.1 million and the creation of 507 direct jobs. According to Aneel, the work, which should be delivered in 36 months, will expand the transmission system in the northeast region of Bahia.

The third lot, which provides for the construction and maintenance, in 42 months, of 166 km of transmission lines in Bahia, was won by the Rialma group with a RAP bid of R$ 17.1 million, a discount of 27.8% in relative to the reference value. Investments of R$ 170.6 million are estimated and 487 direct jobs will be generated. According to Aneel, the tender is aimed at supplying electricity to the western region of Bahia.

The fourth lot was won by Neoenergia with a RAP bid of R$ 37.1 million, a discount of 58.6% of the reference value. The tender provides for the construction, in 48 months, of the Estreito substation, in Ibiraci (MG). Investments of R$660.9 million are expected and the generation of 1,652 direct jobs in the operation. According to Aneel, the tender intends to provide greater reliability and operational flexibility in critical scenarios of high energy imports by the Southeast, as well as guaranteeing voltage control in the São Paulo System.

The fifth lot was won by Energisa, with a RAP bid of R$ 11.3 million, 48.68% below the reference value. The tender provides for the construction, in 42 months, of 10 kilometers of transmission lines (Macapá – Macapá 3), and the Macapá 3 substation. According to Aneel, the concession aims to solve the electrical service to the Macapá region and avoid cuts such as those registered in 2020 in the region. R$ 161.6 million will be invested in the works and the generation of 461 jobs is expected.

The Minister of Mines and Energy, Bento Albuquerque, highlighted the results of the electricity sector in the last three years. “We held the 19th auction in the electricity sector in the last three years. And this was done in an extremely challenging period for the country, 700 days ago in a pandemic. The country had an expansion of 16% in electric generation and 17% in transmission in the last 3 years and contracted investments of more than R$ 60 billion in the electric sector alone”.

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