During the XI Meeting of the Economic Complementation Council of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America – Peoples’ Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP), it was agreed to promote the productive sector, as well as strengthen trade integration between the countries of the Alliance .
The meeting, held at the Bolivian city of Sucrein the department of Chuquisaca, was attended by the region’s Ministers of Economy.
The executive secretary of the alliance, Sacha Llorenti, stressed the importance of the meeting to analyze the international economic situation and define concrete coordination actions to face the complex international scenario.
“We also want to highlight the fact that one of the conclusions of the meeting of the ALBA-TCP Economic Complementation Council was precisely to highlight the Economic model Productive Community Social to the countries of the Alliance, of course applauding the achievements of the Bolivian government in economic matters, “said Llorenti, quoted by Telesur.
Advances in Bolivia stand out
Llorenti highlighted the significant advances made by the Bolivian government, such as the reduction of poverty and inequality, noting that it has had an excellent receptivity to how the Bolivian Model works.
In another order, the Minister of Economy and Public Finance of Bolivia, Marcelo Montenegro, highlighted the approval of economic measures to promote the productive and commercial sector among the ALBA-TCP countries, within the framework of the XI Meeting of the Economic Complementation Council, refers Telesur.
“We have to dynamize and strengthen solidarity and complementary economic relations between the member states of the Alliance, concentrating efforts that contribute to their social policies based on existing economic mechanisms, reaffirming the principles of complementarity, cooperation and self-determination”, emphasized the minister. .