Two of the main unions in the agricultural sectormembers of Campo Unido, They asked the President of the Republic and two of his ministers for a reduction in the rate of the Rural Real Estate Contribution to the owners of rural registers, considering that the difficulties caused by the drought.
The Rural Association of Uruguay (ARU) and the Rural Federation (FR) transferred the request to the President of the Republic, Luis Lacalle Pou; the Minister of Economy and Finance (MEF), Azucena Arbeleche; and the Minister of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries (MGAP), Fernando Mattos, former president of the ARU.
In a letter prepared jointly, the unions stated: “Due to the effects of the water deficit throughout the national territory, we request a reduction in the rate of the Rural Real Estate Contribution to the owners of rural registers established by article 652 of the Law No. 15,809, of April 8, 1986”.
“Increment 421/022 establishes that the real value of real estate for the year 2022 will be determined by applying a coefficient of 1.0995 to the real values of 2021. Considering the downward trend of the nominal exchange rate, the payment of the Rural Real Estate Contribution in this year 2023 ends up being higher than 23% compared to the payment of the previous year for the same concept ”, it was explained.
The ARU and the FR noted that “In previous years this benefit has been provided to certain departments, we understand that the current situation of drought applies throughout the country, so we extend the request to the entire territory”.
The letter was signed by Gonzalo Valdés Requena, president of the ARU, and by Martín Uría Shaw, president of the RF.
According to inquiries made by The Observer this Thursday, both ministries acknowledged receipt of the letter, but At the moment, no response has been received on the proposal and the attitude is to wait for this to happen, with the expectation that it will be in the short term..