During a press conference, Cáceres highlighted that this decision was maintained despite the request of the Chamber of Tourism to postpone the date due to its coincidence with the carnival holiday.
“In the council we discussed it, it was a decision that was thought out, it was not coincidental. We understand the view of the tourism chambers from their place, with the importance that tourism has for the country, but we also understand that the sooner classes start the better,” said Cáceres. The leader added that “we have a fairly long vacation period and there are many families eager to resume the school year.”
Cáceres met this Tuesday with his successor in office, Pablo Caggiani, who will take office in March. Among the topics discussed at the meeting, which took place a month and a half before the start of classes, the state of the conditions for the start of the school year was included.
In addition, Cáceres recalled that the deadline to make educational center changes through a web form is still valid until January 31, available for those families who were not satisfied with the initial assignment. He also pointed out that in February a registration period for initial education and first year of primary school will open for those who were not able to do so in December.
“The form for changes is available until January 30. In February, the primary registration period begins, for initial and first year, for those boys or girls whose families were not able to register them on time,” Cáceres pointed out.