With these actions, the actions signed on September 6, 2021 are resumed
convinced of the urgency of the measures in favor of the Venezuelan people
in the agreement
preeminence of the human rights of Venezuelans
numeral 6 of the agenda referring to the protection of the national economy and protection of the Venezuelan people
second partial agreement
constitution of the mandate of the bodies created
determination and implementation of necessary and effective initial measures for the protection of the Venezuelan people
may address other projects not included in this agreement and its annexes, according to the development of the negotiations
National Social Care Board, in accordance with what was agreed in September 2021, an auxiliary technical body that will work on the preparation of specific social protection actions and programs
It is not a new space for negotiation or decision. In the following 24 hours, the parties will notify in writing the name of their representatives.
Special Group for the care of the effects of XXX other auxiliary technical body that will follow up
The terms of reference of these organizations will be contained in the annexes of the document.
Social protection measures for the Venezuelan people
It is agreed to request the UN to support the design, establishment and implementation of a single trust fund with the objective of expanding the implementation of social protection measures to the Venezuelan people
We follow up on the follow-up Memorandum signed in August 2021 in Mexico City, the parties continue with the dialogue process
main objective to promote well-being of Venezuelans
maximum caution in relation to the reservation of the negotiation
agreed to continue with the process according to the agenda established in December 2021