Santo Domingo.-Many, at some point, have heard the phrase that “it is better to give than receive”, which refers to generosity and the importance of giving without expecting anything in return and former baseball player David Ortiz has become a palpable example. of it.
The stories of experiences throughout his life corroborate this. Ortiz has focused on children, because he sees the opportunity to help them, for them to develop and contribute from different areas as good people.

And it is precisely from this point that, instead of advising children, Ortiz considered that his advice should go to parents so that they try to raise their children in a healthy environment, with a lot of love, educate them and teach them values, which will be defined in the future.
He narrated how on the streets, at gas stations and other places, people come with great affection to greet him and to thank him or explain a case for which they need help.
One of those situations occurred recently when he visited a partner’s farm in the community of Tamboril, in Santiago; A crying woman approached him and said: “Look, that’s my daughter there, she’s 22 years old, I depend on her. I took her, 12 years ago, dying, to the foundation where I had surgery and look now, I depend on her.”
This caused him a lot of emotion and he considered that these moments are when God shows him that he must continue his work to help those who need it.
Similarly, on one occasion he visited a child in a hospital in the United States, because he was going through cancer and did not want to eat. After an hour of conversation he left.
He related that two or three months later, a man arrived at the stadium in an area where only the players had access and told him that he was the grandfather of that child, who after his visit began to eat and recover, so he felt very grateful and wanted to do something for the country, since he had a company that worked with software for several universities.
“He tells me, I don’t know if you often know the impact you have on people. “My grandson, from that day on, all of his numbers changed, until a couple of months later I had him at home running,” said the former Major League player.
continue legacy
Ortiz, president of the Children’s Fund Foundation, highlighted that he involves his children in issues of altruism, so that they continue his legacy when he can no longer do so.
In that sense, he explained that he usually takes them to know other social strata, from which baseball helped him escape, considering that no human being can feel superior to another.
However, he maintained that sometimes people wanted to take advantage of good intentions, but that as he grew up and became more aware of what he was doing, he was able to discern, without trampling on anyone.
“People know that when they come to you, you are going to receive them like a normal person, I don’t believe that I am more than anyone else, I am a guy who comes from very low, that I came from a family that had nothing, I Yes, in my family, I always thank my elders, they educated me, they gave me principles, they taught me values, and that is what you see of me on a daily basis,” he expressed.
Help transcends
The foundation, to which Ortiz dedicates much of his time and which has left him with a great connection with children, in his own words, has inspired others to do the same.
And, Ortiz explained, this has been the prelude for other athletes or baseball players in the country to be encouraged to help in their towns, to see the needs that exist and contribute to solving them.
More information of interest
—1— Friendly treatment
Nelva Peláez commented anecdotally that the children favored by the foundation are like Ortiz’s children.
—2— Attention
Dr. César Herrera believes that education is important in order to seek medical help in time.
—3— Origin
Editor Leo Corporán was the one who encouraged Ortiz to create the foundation.