The Minister of Social Development, Martín Lema, led the opening of the VIII Ibero-America Includes Forum, in which some 120 members of organizations of people with disabilities, state entities and private companies participate, with international assistance. On the occasion, Lema said that, through the Accesos program, the Government promotes policies to expand job opportunities for this population.
The activity takes place in Montevideo and its objective is to promote a space for dialogue in which key aspects of public policies aimed at the employability of people with disabilities and the promotion of a new business culture that values the benefits provided by disabled people are addressed. diverse and inclusive work teams.
At the opening, Minister Lema pointed out the importance of the meeting, in which experiences from different countries will be shared, which will nurture national ones, on how to carry out the process of inclusion and incorporation of people with disabilities into the labor market.
In addition, he highlighted the benefits of including people with some type of disability in the workplace and stated that it is not just about providing opportunities but also that companies benefit.
According to the chief, for the Disability Directorate of the Ministry of Social Development, this forum is a fundamental space to promote the joint work carried out with public institutions and private companies in the country, as well as to strengthen international ties to develop actions and cultural changes in the region.
The activity was also attended by the Deputy Secretary General of the Ibero-American Social Security Organization, Ana Mohedano Escobar; the technical director of the National Council for Persons with Disabilities of Costa Rica, Lizbeth Barrantes, and the president of the Ibero-American Network of Inclusive Companies, Fernando Estrada.
The event is part of the activities of the Program for the Employment of Persons with Disabilities in Ibero-America, coordinated by the Ibero-American Social Security Organization, with the support of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation. Members of governments from 15 countries in the region participate. Presidency