UPN professors are called to participate in the renewal of their Academic Council
Laura Poy Solano
Newspaper La Jornada
Sunday April 10, 2022, p. 8
Professor-researchers from the National Pedagogical University (UPN) called on the academic and student community of that house of studies to participate in the renewal of its Academic Council, in order to create a transition body towards the new legal figure of the institution.
In an interview, Yuri Jiménez, professor at UPN Ajusco, highlighted that Many inconsistencies have been detected in the list for the election of the new Academic Council, which will be held on May 27, from complete academic units that do not appear to shaved lists, which can jeopardize a transparent vote, with a free and secret vote.
According to the calendar for the election process of academic and student staff advisors of the UPN units in Mexico City and the entities, the call for the 2022-2024 period was issued on April 5. The review of the electoral register will be from April 6 to May 6, and its definitive emission on May 9.
The also member of the Electoral Commission pointed out that, in a first review, We detected several inconsistencies, since only a list of the base academics was sent, a concept that in the institution has many interpretations, since there are units that only included the dictated base professors and left out the interim teaching staff, while in other cases yes, both certified and interim teachers were included
Likewise, he said that they identified the commissioned personnel of basic education as if they were voters, which contravenes the regulations, since only teachers who have an employment relationship with the university can participate. For this reason, he urged the community to participate in the review and verification of the electoral register, in order to guarantee a transparent election process that adheres to the regulations.