This Tuesday the Chamber of Senators rejected the impeachment to the mayor of Montevideo Caroline Cossesomething that had been raised by the councilors of the coalition of the Departmental Board and that Cosse herself described as “intentona”.
“Today the Senate rejected this attempt”said the mayor at a press conference in the Seregni Footprint, where the president of the Broad Front (FA) Fernando Pereira also spoke.
“I want to thank the Vice President of the Republicto the Chamber of Senators and recognize that it put a stop to this outburst because it hurts the rule of law,” said Cosse, who also thanked the FA senators.
Cosse sent special thanks to his father, actor Villanueva Cosse, who is not in the country, since he is based in Argentina. “Don’t worry dad, there are a lot of classmates who are with us”sentenced.
“We knowing that this did not have scaffolding, we could have taken refuge in this fact and make a constant political scandal“said Cosse, who argued that” there was no need to be distracted, there are some politicians who distance themselves and others who generate maneuvers (to distract).”