In the capital of the country, people are mobilized, in the interior there are few protests so that this reform does not progress with 328 articles, of which more than 100 have been reformed, and many of which are unknown until the moment of the vote. .
The reform agreement was promoted by Herrerismo and supported – through reforms – by the Colorado Party, Cabildo Abierto and the Partido Independiente, all of which make up the multicolored coalition.
Ramón Ruiz, social representative for the workers at the Banco de Previsión Social, maintains that the law that would be voted on this Tuesday “harms the workers with 5 more years of work and cuts in future retirement and pensions, a a law that benefits the AFAPs and maintains privileges, a law that does not look at the privileges of the system, nor seeks new sources of income, a law that does not take into account gender gaps, or the future of work, a law that far from Being a reform to improve social security, it forgets about childhood and the care system. This is being voted on today: a law of setbacks and cuts”
For his part, the social representative for businessmen, José Pereira, told EL ECO that “in article 67 of the Constitution of the Republic it states that “‘it is expressly established that money may be lacking for any activity in the country, but not for the passivities’. Pensioners and retirees take into account that they will never lack money, no matter how much they tell you otherwise ”, with or without reform.
Regarding the Afaps, he said that they “harm” Uruguayans and more so with the reform that “they will keep five more years of contribution from Uruguayans”, when the retirement age goes from 60 to 65 years.
The draft of the reform has had so many modifications that on the day of voting it is not known for sure if it will be 65 or 63 years of work to retire, when up to now the age is 60 years.
national strike
The country’s trade unions decided to hold a national strike on Tuesday the 25th in rejection of the reform, and to hold a rally around the Legislative Palace where the Chamber of Deputies will vote on the pension reform with votes from the ruling parties.