The Ministry of Public Health enabled vaccination in children from 5 to 11 years old without agenda starting this Monday 20.
The ministry hoped that more children would be vaccinated “so that there would also be less viral circulation,” Public Health Minister Daniel Salinas told Telenoche. “Vaccination between five and 11 years was difficult,” so they decided to release the agenda.
The minister assured that vaccination from six months, as recently authorized by the United States under the approval of the Food and Drug Agency of the United States (FDA, for its acronym in English), for the time being is not under consideration.
“We aspire to better vaccinate children between the ages of five and 11,” the minister said.
The waiting time between the first and the second pediatric dose against covid-19 is six weeks, but those children between 5 and 11 years old who have had the disease must wait at least three months (90 days) from positive diagnosis or to receive second dose.
Children who have completed respiratory infections with suspected covid-19 without confirmation, the treating physician should be consulted about the appropriateness of administering the second dose, reported the MSP.