The Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) transferred Judge Ada Siré from 6to Shift in Pando at 4to Shift of the same locality, Informe Capital reported. The resolution states that the transfer occurred “for reasons of service.” From the Court they told The Observer that the investigation and possible sanction goes through a separate lane.
The Court had given him 72 hours to present his defenses, but the judge certified himself and the term was suspended. The magistrate is still on medical leave, but she has already submitted the corresponding report, which is being studied by the SCJ.
In any case, by removing her from that shift, she will no longer be dedicated to specialized family cases (matters involving violence against women). She will attend regular Family cases, in which she will rule on divorces, successions, guardianships, possessions, etc.
In the viralized video, the magistrate mentions a series of phrases that, as she understands, happen in meetings between men. “From the title ‘others’ daughters because mine is a saint’ comes ‘uh, they raped her, it must be her fault’. But there are other titles too, such as, for example, ‘that girl is hysterical, she must be menstruating’ or ‘how screwed up is that girl, for God’s sake’ or ‘what are you going to do to her? It’s male,’” she recounted.