The first lady of the Republic, Raquel Arbaje, led the launch of the inter-institutional coordination plan for the timely and late registration of births.
The initiative is part of the Cabinet for Children and Adolescents, chaired by Arbaje and the National Council for Children and Adolescents (CONANI). This plan will be implemented by ten public entities in cooperation with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).
The articulation plan will be executed by the Central Electoral Board (JCE), the Ministry of Public Health (MSP), Strategic and Special Projects (Propeep), the National Health Service (SNS), the National Institute for Comprehensive Early Childhood Care ( Inaipi), the Judiciary, the Attorney General’s Office, Supérate and the Ministry of Education (Minerd).
Speaking at the meeting held in the Los Trinitarios Hall at the National Palace, First Lady Raquel Arbaje cited the high numbers of Dominican men and women of all ages who lack identity documents and the harmful consequences this has on their personal lives. and public.
“When it comes to children and adolescents, they cannot go to school, which is what ensures them a better future. For this reason, we assume the responsibility that corresponds to us so that it ceases to be true that the Dominican State forgets its sons and daughters,” said the first lady.
She immediately added that, although she always aspires to more when it comes to restoring rights, as president of the Cabinet for Children and Adolescents, she feels very satisfied with the steps that have been taken in the execution of the inter-institutional agreement.
On her side, the executive president of the National Council for Children and Adolescents, Ana Cecilia Morún, highlighted the dedication of all the participating institutions so that the plan is successfully executed.
“It is a commitment that we assume responsibly, united to guarantee the right of all Dominicans to have a name,” said Morún.
The plan is part of an agreement signed in 2021
This plan is part of the Inter-institutional Cooperation Agreement for the Timely and Late Registration of Births, signed by the entities in July 2021. To monitor the good progress of the agreement in question, 24 hospitals of the public system were prioritized, in which carried out training activities for a better understanding of the process.