The units will help optimize the work of the National Service of Medicine and Forensic Sciences (Senamecf) in Apure, Carabobo, Táchira and Zulia
Four van-type units were delivered to the National Service of Medicine and Forensic Sciences (Senamecf) to optimize the work of this organization in the states of Apure, Carabobo, Táchira and Zulia.
The vehicles, according to a press release from the Ministry of the Interior, Justice and Peace, were delivered by Vice Minister of the Integrated Criminal Investigation System, M/G Danny Ferrer Sandrea, who assured that these actions are part of the work carried out by the Government. National to ensure attention to citizens.
“We are providing security to Venezuelans in perfect popular military-police fusion, and with this delivery we continue with the comprehensive care actions for Senamecf, with which we also carry out important repairs in the infrastructure of various headquarters,” he indicated.
In this sense, Ferrer Sandrea highlighted that the physical adaptations currently being carried out at the Senamecf headquarters are carried out with the support of the workers of this institution.