Entregan de insumos para el fortalecimiento del Servicio Eléctrico Nacional

They deliver inputs to strengthen the National Electric Service

This Tuesday, from the Poliedro de Caracas, the delivery of 23 thousand 340 luminaires and a thousand transformers of different capacities was made, directed to the 23 entities of the national territory, as well as the Capital District, as part of the requests received through the 1× 10 of Good Government.

The aforementioned delivery was made by the sector vice president of Public Works and Services G/J Néstor Reverol, for the benefit of 108 thousand 745 families throughout the country, while pointing out that the allocation of these inputs “is one of the greatest demands of our people to stabilize the National Electric System (SEN)”.

Likewise, he pointed out that this initiative complies with the seven lines of work created by the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, whose fundamental element is strategic line number 5, which is linked to the consolidation and expansion of the 1×10 of the Good Government.

The also Minister for Electric Power, highlighted that since the implementation of the 1×10 of Good Government, nine deliveries of inputs have been made, as well as the installation of more than 175,000 luminaires and more than 5,890 transformers, through through Corpoelec Industrial. Likewise, he informed that, “before we imported the transformers, now we make them here, that only happens in times of Revolution.”

Finally, Reverol reported that together with the private company, a strategic alliance was initiated, with the objective of guaranteeing the development and stability of the National Electric Service, for the assembly of 250,000 luminaires at the Corpoelec Industrial facilities in the state of Falcón. and continue with the Comprehensive Expressway Lighting Plan.

Source: Refers to a press release


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