A total of 2,970 pieces of equipment, tools, and chemicals were delivered to the Vegetation Programming and Control Management of the National Electric Corporation (Corpoelec).
Said inputs will be distributed throughout the national territory, for the maintenance of service corridors and access roads to the transmission lines and substations of the National Electric System (SEN).
“These actions make it possible to attend to the 950 substations, 35,000 kilometers of lines and 42 generation plants that are currently in operation in the country,” concluded the Minister of Popular Power for Electric Energy (MPPEE), and Sectorial Vice President of Works. Public and Services, Nestor Reverolin statements released in a press release from the Electric Corporation.
He stressed that these tasks will be carried out by the workforce of the sector, through the Plan Pica, Poda y Tala, to ensure the reliability, stability and security of the electrical service in the country.