On January 12, the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, during his Annual Message to the Nation before the National Assembly (AN), announced the lines of work for 2023, which are mainly focused on consolidating the country’s economic growth in synergy with the organized people.
In that sense, here we present each of them:
Consolidate economic growth with equality: Transform material conditions in favor of equity, equality and inclusion, producing wealth to distribute it fairly.
Expand social protection: Consolidate economic growth, based on improving protection programs for the Victims of the Blockade and the most vulnerable sectors to eradicate poverty.
Expand the presence of Popular Power: Stimulate the participation and leadership of our organized people. In the dimension of socialism in the territorial, for the reactivation of the real economy and the positive repoliticization of the country, for the construction of real solutions.
Consolidate the comprehensive security of the nation and guarantee justice: Strengthen good practices in citizen protection, in accordance with our doctrine of citizen and territorial security, in the context of a culture of peace, increasingly closer to the people.
Consolidate and expand the 1×10 method of Good Government and the Bricomiles: This line is aimed at all public services, to guarantee maximum efficiency in management.
Advance in the integral independence and decolonization of Venezuela: Build the economic, technological and cultural independence of our Homeland, under new criteria, that break with the colonial ideology, having as main objective the Defense of the Territory of Guayana Esequiba.
Consolidate the Great Homeland: Promote this new stellar moment of resurgence of progressive governments, to the life of our Great Latin American Homeland, in the face of the gigantic imperialist aggression and aggression that our continent is experiencing.
It is worth noting that in his speech, the head of state stressed that this stage of the renaissance experienced by the Venezuelan economy is part of the celebration of the Bicentennial of the Battle of Carabobo, and represents “the point of no return of the Bolivarian Revolution.” .
“Our revolution was born from the hand of the people, from the people’s vote, from popular sovereignty, from the conscience, strategy, responsibility and direction of a great leader, from a great man, our Commander Chávez”, emphasized the national president.