This Monday, August 22, four educational centers will be occupied by students and teachers in the framework of their rejection of the educational reform promoted by the National Administration of Public Education (ANEP).
The Teachers’ Union of Training in Education (Sidfe) will mobilize in the Institute of Teachers Artigas (IPA)informed the president of the union, Líber Romero, to The Observer. At the same time, students they will occupy the South Regional Teachers Center (CeRP) in Atlántida (Canelones), the Teacher Training Institute (IFD) of Pando and the Social Education Training Institute (IFES), according to Romero.
In the case of the IPA, there will be workshops and an open class during the occupation, he explained.
In addition, Romero indicated that There will be strikes and mobilizations in more than 15 educational centers this monday 22.
These are all the educational centers where there will be strikes, and which actor will carry out each mobilization:
Normal Institute of Teaching of Montevideo (IINN)
“Active strike” of the Center for Teaching Students (CEM) and the Sidfe.
Students of the Student Center of the Institute of Teachers of Artigas (Ceipa).
Normal Institute of Technical Education (INET)
Sidfe stop.
Sidfe stop.
South CeRP
Sidfe stop. There will be an urban intervention and the branches of Atlántida and Salinas of the National Federation of Secondary Education Teachers (FENAPES) will make a partial strike from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. supporting the activity.
Eastern CeRP (Maldonado)
Students will go on active walkout with assembly.
Southwest CeRP (Cologne)
Students will go on strike.
Coastal CeRP
Students will go on strike.
Association of Educational and Cultural Services (ASEC)
Mobilization and workshops.
North CeRP (Rivera)
Student strike.
IFD of Tacuarembo
Stop of Sidfe and students. There will be “propaganda activities and an informative workshop”.
Cannelloni IFD
Sidfe will go on strike.
IFD of the Coast
Students will go on strike.
IFD of Mines
Student assembly with strike at 10:00 and 19:00.
IFD of Rocha
Students will do a propaganda activity at 17:00, with an assembly.
IFD of Melo
Student Assembly and production of materials.