An internal resolution of the National Directorate of Migration, signed on Friday the 8th by its head Eduardo Mata, established that It would admit the passage “without making a call for attention, clarification or comment” to those people who did not present a sworn statement or covid-19 test when entering the countrybefore the ruling of Judge Alejandro Recarey in which the appeal for protection of two women who denounced as discriminatory the requirement of a negative test to cross the border for not being vaccinated was granted.
The determination of Migrations, which made a general application of a ruling for two particular cases, came to the hands of the Minister of Public Health, Daniel Salinas, who referred him to the legal area of the ministry and elevated him to the Presidency of the Republic, as he was able to know. The Observer. In less than an hour, the statement – which must have been an internal document, according to Migration sources – was already corrected.
Migration statement corrected one hour after its release
In this way, it will continue to be mandatory to present a sworn statement to prove one or two doses of the covid-19 vaccine in the case of those inoculated travelers, or to demonstrate a negative analysis of the disease carried out in the 72 hours prior to the trip for those not vaccinated. This requirement excludes children under six years of age.
Recarey’s ruling – by virtue of the lawsuit filed by the lawyer Hoenir Sarthou on behalf of the two women – ordered the Ministry of Public Health (MSP) not to request negative results from the two complainants for not being vaccinated at the time of admission. to the country. The ruling, however, does not extend that obligation to the rest of the population in general.
“The non-vaccination does not threaten public health. It does not violate laws. just flaunt a different thought from that of a specific government. For the rest, and beyond the strictly legal level, there are no arguments either of supposed prudence that justify the actions impugning in this amparo“Recarey had pointed out.
The same judge also upheld the appeal. of amparo presented by the lawyer Maximiliano Dentone Y suspended vaccination against covid-19 in children under 13 years of age, until a series of conditions are met. The Executive Power will present the appeal to that resolution this Monday.