This Friday, the Governors League Peronists will meet again, for the third time in less than two months, in order to analyze the economic situation of the country and the measures that the Government has implemented.
The meeting between provincial leaders will be held in the city of La Plata, so the governor of the province of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof, will host the meeting of the Governors League.
This will be the first time the Governors League meets after the package of economic measures announced days ago by the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa, so part of the objective of the meeting will be to discuss these strategies.
Consequently, The leaders will analyze the new rate scheme for rate segmentation, as well as the measures that have been implemented to achieve a greater accumulation of reserves in the Central Bank.
Just before the changes in the government cabinet, some leaders met in the Casa Rosada with President Alberto Fernández, to whom they expressed the urgency to make decisions to stabilize the country’s situation.
In this regard, the governor of Chaco, Jorge Capitanich, remarked a few days ago what they had discussed with the president at that time: “We told the president that decisions had to be made. In a context of uncertainty, making decisions was essential and they were made.” .
Now, after the changes and the measures carried out, the governors will analyze the impact of the plan executed by Massa to reduce the fiscal deficit, achieve a greater accumulation of reserves, control inflation and meet the goals of the agreement with the IMF (International Monetary Fund). ).
Who participates in the League of Governors
In the top Leaders from today will be: Axel Kicillof (Buenos Aires), Gustavo Bordet (Entre Ríos), Jorge Capitanich (Chaco), Sergio Uñac (San Juan), Gildo Insfrán (Formosa), Raúl Jalil (Catamarca), Ricardo Quintela (La Rioja ), Sergio Zilliotto (La Pampa) and Alberto Rodríguez Saa (San Luis).
Also, Alicia Kirchner (Santa Cruz), Gerardo Zamora (Santiago del Estero), Gustavo Sáenz (Salta, was represented by his vice governor), Oscar Herrera Ahuad (Misiones, was represented by his vice) and Arabela Carreras (Río Negro).