Electoral Justice receives 28 thousand registrations of candidacy for the elections

Check out the Senate candidates for Acre

The Electoral Justice received at least 28,000 candidacy registrations for the October elections. The campaign officially started on Tuesday (16).Check out the Senate candidates for Acre

Twelve applications for the Presidency and Vice-President were received; 223 for governor and vice-governor, 232 for senator, 10,376 for federal deputy, 16,421 for state deputy and 591 for district deputy.

According to the electoral legislation, candidates are authorized to take walks, make motorcades with a sound car and distribute campaign material until 10 pm. The campaign runs until October 1, the day before the first round.

Check out the Senate candidates for Acre:

Alan Rick (Union) – No. 444 – Coalition: Union

Beyruth (PSDB) – nº 456 – Coalition: PSDB Citizenship Federation

Dimas Sandas (Agir) – nº 364 – Coalition: Agir

Dr. Vanda Milani (Pros) – nº 900 – Coalition: With the People’s Force

Dr. Jenilson Leite (PSB) – nº 400 – Coalition: PSB

Marcia Bittar (PL) – nº 222 – Coalition: The Hope for a Better Acre Starts Now

Nazareth Araujo (PT) – nº 131 – Coalition: Federação Brasil da Esperança – FE Brasil (PT/PC do B/PV)

Ney Amorim (Can) – nº 199 – Coalition: Advance to Do More

Sanderson Moura (Psol) – nº 500 – Coalition: Psol-Rede

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