The incorporation of gender violence will be within the Mandatory Medical Program

The incorporation of gender violence will be within the Mandatory Medical Program

(Photo: Horacio Culaciatti).

The Senate approved this Thursday in a special session, and signed into law, a bill from the Chamber of Deputies, which incorporates the benefits associated with the comprehensive approach to gender violence to the Mandatory Medical Program (PMO) of prepaid medicine and social security.

The initiative includes full and comprehensive coverage of preventive and therapeutic practices.

In that senseall medical, psychological, psychiatric, pharmacological, surgical therapies, and all other attention that is necessary or pertinent will be incorporated.

The social works, the health providers and all those organizations included in this law must coordinate with the national, provincial and/or local authorities that provide programs for the care of gender violence in order to guarantee that the comprehensive care of the victims is carried out with the appropriate parameters and indications.

  • Attention, containment and advice in situations of gender violence

  • By free call 24 hours Line 144
  • By WhatsApp +5491127716463
  • By mail to [email protected]
  • Downloading the apps

In this sense, it is clarified that they are obliged to provide coverage as a compulsory benefit to social security projects, the Social Security Project of the Nation’s Judiciary, the Directorate of Social Assistance for the National Congress Personnel, prepaid medicine entities, the National Institute of Social Services for Retirees and Pensioners, the Social Work Institute of the Armed Forces and the entities that provide assistance to university personnel, as well as all those agents that provide medical assistance services to their affiliates.

The project also clarifies that gender-based violence is defined as the social and health problem that derives from the provisions of the Law on the Comprehensive Protection of Women.

The head of the Women’s Bank, the San Luis official María Eugenia Catalfamo, said that “the objective of the project is interesting because what it seeks is to generate within the PMO a protocol for comprehensive and universal approach to gender violence.”

“What is sought to do is order and compile existing practices. This project has no economic impact. Its specific purpose is not only to accompany victims of gender violence, but also to prevent practices of violence against women”, she explained.

The representative of Córdoba Federal, Alejandra Vigo, insisted that “This program has no expenses and only requires that the benefits that are needed are included in a specific program for victims in situations of violence”.

“You just have to coordinate them in an action protocol,” Vigo graphed during the debate.

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