Days past, Judge Recarey ruled that the government must suspend anticovid vaccination, with the Pfizer vaccine, in children under 13 years of age. The ruling provides that as soon as the government meets the levels of transparency imposed on it, vaccination must be resumed immediately.
In this framework, the Secretary of the Presidency, Álvaro Delgado; the assistant secretary, Rodrigo Ferrés; the Minister of Health, Daniel Salinas; and the government legal team are preparing the appeal of the judicial decision that will be presented this Monday the 11th before a Court of Appeals.
According to reports, the Executive will present a solid, forceful and documented defense from the scientific point of view on the benefits of vaccination.
The government hopes that from the appeal that will be presented, parents who want to vaccinate their children will be able to do so.
5,800 minors are enabled to receive their second dose, many of them with a medical prescription, in addition to those who would be vaccinated with the first dose, Delgado detailed days ago at a press conference.
On the other hand, he said that the judge’s ruling, “in addition to putting the health of minors at risk, is questioning the work of the Uruguayan scientific community.”
In addition to the support that the government has received from the Broad Front, the Faculty of Medicine expressed its deepest rejection of the judicial ruling on the understanding that it is a “scientifically wrong, epidemiologically risky and socially irresponsible” decision.
Medicine demanded the review of the judicial measure and stated that it makes available the scientific information available in this regard.
For its part, the American pharmaceutical company Pfizer regretted the decision made in the Uruguayan judicial framework to suspend vaccination against Covid-19 for children under 13 years of age, and assured that its medicines and vaccines follow strict safety and quality processes.
“In particular, the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine has received Emergency Use Authorization or Full Marketing Authorization from regulatory agencies in Europe, the United States, and many other countries in the Latin American and Caribbean region. around the world,” the pharmaceutical company said in a statement.