50 years from coup on June 27, 1973, which led to the military dictatorship, the former President of the Republic, Julio María Sanguinetti, pointed to the Tupamaros National Liberation Movement (MLN-T) as one of those responsible for the coup.
“There were people who took up arms against democracy. One from the guerrilla side, later from the state side. I do not equate them morally because the military had a moral, personal commitment, but politically the displacement to violence is in the essence of the coup d’état“, he said in a tribute held this Monday to the senators of the party who opposed the coup d’état.
“Without that displacement to violence the irruption of the coup is not historically understood“, he added.
“The Colorado Party can rest assured that on February 9 – military disobedience to a presidential decision and later communiqués 4 and 7 – it was the only party that as a party spoke out against it. Other parties, such as the Communist Party, adhered to the military communiqués dreaming of a civil and military government,” he said.
Bergara’s response
However, these statements by Sanguinetti did not go down well with the Frente Amplio senator Mario Bergara. “In the essence of the coup are the coup military and the complicit civilians, with a Colorado constitutional president who did not measure up. In the essence of the coup are the laws of State of War. The essence of the coup is the economic and social deteriorationl,” he posted on his Twitter account.
The law of the State of Internal War was promoted in 1972, a year before the coup, which intensified the violence against civilians and members of the MLN.
“In the essence of our Broad Front there are dead, disappeared and tortured. In the essence of our Broad Front is Seregni. In the essence of the FA there is not a single position of responsibility during the dictatorship. In the essence of the FA is the fight for freedom and democracyBergara added.